By any measure, Concord stands out among Massachusetts towns for its commitment to sustainability. Sen. Mike Barrett touted the town’s progress at the opening of Concord Park, which includes modernized heating and HVAC systems and all LED based lighting.
But beyond one new project, the town has been working towards its ambitious goals assiduously, and getting results.
A decade ago, Concord banned the sale of individual plastic water bottles, and in 2013, the town received a Green Communities designation from the state Department of Energy Resources and committed to reducing municipal energy consumption by 20 percent.
By 2014, over 300 homes installed rooftop solar panels, making the town No. 1 in solar penetration among municipal light plant communities in the state.
Ensuing years have seen the town pass bans on plastic bags and polystyrene, and got its first electric school bus. A 2018 campaign resulted in more than 40 homes installing heat pumps, and the effort continues today.
Two years ago, the town released a guide for sustainability in historic and older homes and completed its first climate and resilience plan, Sustainable Concord. The information-rich site is worth a look by all residents.
The light plant is driving towards a total carbon-free future by 2030 by refining electricity rates to support conservation and renewable energy generation.
Residents and businesses can be proud of the town’s efforts, and resolve to help the effort by educating themselves and, where possible, making modifications to their lives and environments.
The town has your back.