The Friends of Brewster’s Woods want to thank The Concord Bridge for its coverage of Massachusetts Audubon Society’s planned development of this important wildlife refuge. It is particularly gratifying to see community efforts, like those of the FOBW, influence Mass Audubon’s approach to activity and visitation at the site. While there has been progress toward limiting impact on the fragile environment, we remain concerned about the planned 42 parking spaces. A reservation system does not guarantee limited use. Protecting the birds and other wildlife from excessive intrusion is vital.
Limited use is also important to the preservation of Concord’s last early road, quite untouched since the Revolution, and protected under the new Scenic Roads Bylaw. With no other access to Brewster’s Woods this road will come under significantly increased use that will endanger this fragile relic.
While progress has been made toward the preservation of Brewster’s Woods we must remain diligent to ensure it continues and that over time activity on the site remains modest. We encourage attendance at Town Committee hearings on the Mass Audubon project to express your concern.
Dennis Fiori
The Friends of Brewster’s Woods