Each year, the Town of Concord’s Community Services Division, in collaboration with the Concord-Carlisle Community Chest, organizes a town-wide Holiday Gift Card Program to provide low-income families financial support during the holiday season.
Please consider donating a gift card, in any amount, to a family in need. Gift cards from local stores are especially welcome, as are gift cards from supermarkets, pharmacies, restaurants, or big box stores.
Donations will be accepted through Dec. 11. Gift card donations can be mailed to Bonny Wilbur, Concord’s Community Services Coordinator, 55 Church Street, Concord, or they may be placed in the donation drop boxes located at:
· Town House, 22 Monument Square, drop box in entry lobby to the left
· Concord-Carlisle Community Chest, 19 Main Street, Suite #2
· 55 Church Street in West Concord, drop box outside to the right of entry
Contact Bonny Wilbur, Community Services Coordinator at tel. 978-318-3034, or bwilbur@concordma.gov