Howell will run for Select Board

December 21, 2022

I am writing to announce my intention to to seek election to the Town of Concord Select Board in 2023. I have lived in Concord since 1999 with my wife Pam and we raised our two children here. They attended Thoreau, Sanborn and CCHS.  I have been an active member of the Annursnac Hill Association, served two terms on the Finance Committee including as chairperson 2009-2010.  

Mark Howell
Mark Howell

After a 32-year career with IBM, I became the Town of Concord’s first Chief Information Officer in 2011. In that role I headed the IT department which supports all of the Town’s operations.  I was also responsible for the business planning and startup of Concord Light Broadband, the municipal fiber optic internet service offered by CMLP.

Since I retired, I have contributed to the Town by chairing the Fiber Broadband Completion Task Force which has completed with a report and recommendations for the further development of the fiber network in Concord. 

I look forward to the upcoming campaign as an opportunity to engage with citizens about the present and future of Concord. In the coming weeks I will be setting up the formal mechanism for this campaign. In the meantime, I look forward to hearing from the people of Concord about our Town.

Mark Howell

Annursnac Hill Rd.