
Concord freshman is Minuteman Student of the Term

January 5, 2023

Minuteman High School recently recognized Concord freshman Nathan Reed with the Student of the Term Award. The award is based on nominations from teachers and highlights academic achievement, good character, and creating a positive school climate. One student is awarded per grade level.

Overseen by Assistant Principal Brian Tildsley, the Students of the Term receive certificates and are awarded lunch with teachers and staff in the school’s student-operated restaurant, The District.

Reed is a grade 9 student in the Freshman Career Exploratory Program. He was nominated by teachers for his “intelligence, politeness, and kindness.” He has excelled academically and is mostly interested in pursuing the science-related career technical education majors at Minuteman. He plays on the football and basketball teams, participates in the barbecue club, and enjoys video and board games.