DAR honors Vietnam veterans

January 5, 2023

The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) Old Concord Chapter (OCC) honored Vietnam veterans Dr. John Worley, Army, Staff Sgt E-6, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg and William Joyce, Army, 1t Lieutenant, ROTC, Fort Story at their holiday party. The NSDAR partnered with the National 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War Commemoration (VWC) to honor Vietnam era veterans. The honorees received an Eagle Pin, Eagle Pin Fact Sheet and copies of the U.S. Presidential Proclamations.

Honoree Dr. John Worley had one tour in Vietnam during the Tet Offensive in 1967-68. He earned a BA and MA from Gordon Conwell and had a career in ministry. Currently he is a Clinical Psychologist, author, and serves other veterans. He is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) and father of several DAR members.

Honoree William Joyce served in the Army Light Amphibious Resupply Cargo Training. He earned a BA Georgetown, MA Northeastern and was the Town of Concord’s Treasurer and then worked in the family Blueprinting business. He is currently retired. He is the father and spouse of DAR Daughters.

The OCC also collected toys for the Concord Firefighters Relief Association and IAFF Local 1942 Toy Drive at Concord’s Fire Station.

The OCC NSDAR is a volunteer non-profit and non-partisan women’s service organization promoting historic preservation, education, patriotism, and outreach within our community. OCC covers the towns of Concord, Carlisle, Stow, Maynard, Acton, Boxborough, and Littleton and welcomes members from other locations to be part of the Old Concord Chapter. For more information the Old Concord Chapter website: