To the editor:
The Concord Middle School project is a Town project, and the Select Board appointed the Concord Middle School Building Committee for this purpose. The Superintendent and School Committee provided the Education Plan that outlines programs of study and student activities that inform the designers (architects and firms collaborating with the lead firm, SMMA).
The Building Committee is developing an “alternate deduct” list of items or features that could be eliminated if bids are higher than the amount authorized by Town Meeting and the ballot, in order to proceed with the project within the available borrowing limit.
The current authorization (Town Meeting January 2022) is for $102,816,000
The current warrant article for consideration at the January 2023 Special Town Meeting calls for an additional $7,200,000, recommended by the Building Committee.
The most recent action by the School Committee (December 20, 2022) was to approve draft warrant article language calling for an additional $1,802,271, for the project, in order to fund the playing fields portion of the project, should those additional funds be necessary. That draft language is presented to the Select Board for its consideration.
Mr. Booth’s comments at the December 20 School Committee meeting (Concord Bridge January 6) were in reference only to the School Committee recommendation for the additional warrant article ($1,802,271).
Court Booth
Alexa Anderson
School Committee members