Franklin 100 Bill

Photographer explores extreme close-ups at Concord Library

March 30, 2023

Photographer Paul Scopa will be exhibiting his macro photographs at the Concord Free Public Library from April 2 – April 29. 

Scoppa is a former science teacher and science textbook publisher. Inspired by memories of when he taught students how to use a microscope, and remembering their excitement, he will display photographs all related to macro photography. This is extreme close-up photography in which the size of the object being photographed is many times greater than it is in real life. Because of the extremely high definition, you will see objects in a way you never have before. 

Cheerios 1

Most of the macro photos are of common everyday things. The 30 photographs include blueberries, Cheerios, raisins, thread passing through the eye of a needle, a baseball, salt crystals, fabric, insect wings, and, yes, even gold slivers and coins.

All photographs will be matted and framed and most will be 11 by 14 inch prints. To make the exhibit interactive, for some photographs participants will have to guess what the image is – and, yes, answers will be provided! So, adults, reawaken your memories of when you first viewed objects magnified several times their original size.

View all genres of Paul Scopa’s photos at: