Join renowned Concord naturalist Peter Alden and Massachusetts Audubon Society staff for a walking tour of the diverse wildlife of Brewster’s Woods!
We will look and listen for newly arrived spring migrants, such as flickers, phoebes, wood thrushes, house wrens, colorful warblers, rose-breasted grosbeaks and Baltimore orioles, and also explore the field, forest, and wetland habitats of the sanctuary in the footsteps of William Brewster. Our relaxed pace will give you an opportunity to practice identifications and learn some of the fascinating history of the property. When we return, Mass Audubon staff will share plans for the site, focusing on the opportunities for peaceful enjoyment of nature, environmental education and a place for purposeful work on critical conservation issues. We are grateful to all who have provided feedback on our plans thus far and welcome your continued input.
The walk will start promptly at 8 a.m., returning to the parking area by 10 a.m. for a half hour of informal sharing of our plans for the improved trail system and future facilities. Our staff will be available for discussion of our ecological management practices and reviews of the landscape design. We will also include a view inside the future nature center and exhibit hall, and descriptions of the indoor facilities for those who have not yet seen them. We are grateful that this special place is protected from development so the public can enjoy it, and so that its unique habitats can thrive for generations to come.
The same program will be offered on a choice of two dates:
- Saturday, May 6, 8 to 10:30 a.m. (registration deadline: May 3)
- Friday, May 19, 8 to 10:30 a.m. (registration deadline: May 17)
This session is open to the community, and no birding experience is required. Children are welcome to participate. Please RSVP by email with your choice of date to [email protected] by the Wednesday prior to receive parking information. Space is limited to 20 participants per session.