Fleming scaled
Father Austin Fleming

Father Fleming to celebrate ordination anniversary May 21

May 11, 2023

Father Austin Fleming, pastor in the Concord Catholic community for 25 years, will return to Holy Family Parish for a special mass on Sunday, May 21 to celebrate his 50th Anniversary of his Ordination. All are welcome to attend!

Fleming arrived in Concord in 1994 as the pastor of Our Lady Help of Christians in West Concord. In 2004, after the Boston Archdiocese’s double suppression of OLHC and St. Bernard’s parishes, Fleming brought together the two Catholic communities and formed Holy Family Parish in Concord, one of the most vibrant Catholic communities in metro Boston.

Upon completing his pastoral assignment here in 2019, Fleming was assigned to the New Roads Catholic Community in Belmont until his retirement as an active priest in the autumn of 2021.  Always a minister, Fleming continues to celebrate mass as the Senior Priest in Residence at Good Shepherd Parish in Wayland.

The 50th Anniversary of Ordination mass will begin at 1 p.m on Sunday, May 21, with a reception to follow in the lower level of the church on Monument Square.

Everyone is invited to attend! Please stop by and thank Father Fleming for his 50 years of devoted ministry in Concord and beyond.

Questions? Please contact:[email protected]