
Concord-Carlisle High School’s Class of 2023: A Glimpse into the Reflections and Futures of the Senior Class

By Felicity Zhang CCHS ‘25
June 2, 2023

“Weird” and “confusing” are the words used by a number of seniors from Concord-Carlisle High School’s class of 2023 to describe their emotions: a mixture of disbelief, elation and wistfulness. 

“Just yesterday, we were the incoming ninth graders,” Lindsay Mingolla said.

Robyn Herbert said “I don’t think anything can prepare you for all the emotions that come up at the end of senior year, but at the same time, I feel so lucky to have experienced all that I have during high school.”

Every senior emphasized the loving, caring community of CCHS and the niche they were able to find for themselves – areas in which they were able to cultivate and explore passions in both curricular and extracurricular opportunities that have played an integral role in shaping their futures. 

Harrison Wei, who found his home in CC Theatre and Improv Club, aspires to become an actor on Broadway, starting by pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts in acting. Once he has “finished [his] time in the spotlight,” Wei plans to return to school so that he can coach and inspire the next generation of actors.

Just two productions in CC Theatre were enough to open up a new passion for Jules Serafini. Serafini hopes that she will be able to minor in performing arts while majoring in media psychology. Her favorite class “has truly inspired me to pursue social psychology” by “[making] me question society… including social norms, behaviors, and influences we have on each other.”

For some seniors, CCHS completely reversed their predicted path for themselves. Lily Thorpe, who once “promised myself I would never take another chemistry class,” will study chemistry at her dream school. Her love for figure skating—which she started at five years old—remained steady throughout the rocky years of high school.

Thorpe summarizes, “The idea of leaving everything I have known for the past 18 years is a feeling of deep sadness which has challenged the joy I feel for my future path.” 

She and her peers are thrilled to pursue the careers they are passionate about. Herbert currently has “no idea” where she’ll be in ten years, but, she said, “The possibilities are endless.” 

Among the seniors, the shared excitement for each other’s futures in addition to their own is evident: Mingolla said, “I can’t wait to see the amazing things that my classmates do in the coming years!”

Advice for underclassmen? “[Don’t] be afraid of rejection,” said Serafini. 

Herbert said, “I realized it was better for me to be myself because it made me so much happier and allowed me to make some really genuine close friends.” 

Many seniors echoed Mingolla’s advice to “make new friends, put [themselves] out there, and explore” new activities, passions, and events—such as Mingolla’s favorite annual tradition of Kicks for Cancer—so that they can “look back [on their high school career] with no regrets.” 

Thorpe suggested forming close teacher-student relationships, saying, “The classes I have gained the most from are the ones in which I have formed strong bonds with my teachers.” 

Sofia Travias reminded students that academics “are only half of the high school experience,” urging underclassmen to “get involved,” “find your people,” and “[pursue] your passions.” “I promise you’ll quickly find friends that become more like family,” she says. 

The seniors’ time at CCHS culminates in the graduation ceremony on Saturday, June 3. Undoubtedly, our seniors’ awe-inspiring achievements and aspirations merit sincere congratulations as they eagerly step into adulthood and a new chapter of their lives.