Weigh in on Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge proposed fee changes 

June 27, 2023

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is considering a change to entrance fees in the summer of 2023 for Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge-Concord Unit (entrance located at Monsen Road, Concord). This fee change would not impact other units of Great Meadow. including the Sudbury Unit. 

In accordance with the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act of 2004, the proposed fee schedule for the refuge will be open for public comment. The public comment period will last through July 21. The current refuge fees have been in place since 2005. 

Great Meadows NWR proposes eliminating the $4 daily/weekly non-commercial vehicle (up to 4 people) and replacing it with a $2 daily entrance fee per person 16 or older. In addition, there will be commercial vehicle fees for 20 or fewer people of $20 and $30 for over 20 people. The annual refuge pass will increase from $12 to $15.

Eighty percent of all money collected by the refuge from fees and passes, except for the Federal Duck Stamp, remains at the refuge to be used for visitor services and facility improvements. Entrance fees have supported a wide range of projects that improve refuge conditions and visitor experience, including regular maintenance of trails, facility upkeep and improvements, exhibits in the Visitor Center, fee collection operations, ranger-led programs and special events. 

Comments may be emailed to [email protected], or mailed to Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, 73 Weir Hill Road Sudbury MA 01773.