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Amy Bruning of Carlisle and her Pekin duck “Toot” meet a pair of eager golden retrievers before a Blessing of the Animals at Trinitarian Congregational Church Sunday, September 17, 2023. Dozens of dogs and one lucky duck received blessings from clergy Sunday. Ken McGagh for The Concord Bridge

Photo gallery: The Blessing of the Animals

By Ken McGagh for The Concord Bridge
September 22, 2023
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Dogs fill the lawn in front of TrCon Church as they wait to be blessed, Sunday, September 17, 2023. Ken McGagh for The Concord Bridge

Left to right, “Emmy” gets a snuggle while waiting for a blessing, Matt Boger and his golden retriever Bodhi listen to a prayer, and Rev. Richard Edens, interim co-senior minister at Trinitarian Congregational church, gives his blessing to Kyrie and Sophie, a pair of golden retrievers belonging to Anne Stoma and Dan Seligman of Needham, during a Blessing of the Animals.

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Rev. Richard Edens, interim co-senior minister at Trinitarian Congregational church, gives his blessing to “Darcy,” a golden retriever belonging to Bill Barton of Concord.
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“Toot,” a Pekin duck belonging to Amy Bruning of Carlisle waits to receive a blessing during a Blessing of the Animals at Trinitarian Congregational Church. At home was Toot’s sister, “Puddle.”
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People and their pets attend a Blessing of the Animals Service at Trinitarian Congregational Church.
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Dan Seligman and Anne Stoma of Needham and their golden retrievers “Kyrie” and “Sophie” attend a Blessing of the Animals outdoor service at Trinitarian Congregational Church.
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A lot of dogs and one lucky duck received a blessing from clergy during the annual Blessing of the Animals at Trinitarian Congregational Church.