Nanae Bridge 2 scaled
The Nanae delegation at the North Bridge. Photo by Celeste Katz Marston

Letter: Help support The Concord Bridge’s coverage 

November 11, 2023

We are so grateful for the many generous donations that Concordians have made this month to The Concord Bridge, as well as for the enthusiastic messages that we have received from readers. A few highlights: 

  • “I have enjoyed the Concord Bridge since the very first edition!”   
  • “I love the Concord Bridge and look forward to it every week. I hope it will continue for many, many years.” 
  • “Doing a great job. Hope you get all the support you need.” 
  • “Good to have a REAL town paper.” 

We hope that you agree and will make a tax-deductible contribution to support our work. Concord’s not-for-profit newspaper is funded entirely by paid advertising and donations from our readers.  

This support enables us to provide the newspaper free-of-charge to all Concord households, implementing a primary goal: civic engagement, which flows from ready access to local news.  

If you have not yet had a chance to contribute, we encourage you to make a donation in an amount that makes you feel good about supporting local journalism. We count on your support as we explore how best to expand news coverage in this town that we love. 

To contribute, please click on the DONATION button at or send a personal check made payable to The Concord Bridge to our office at 56C Winthrop Street, Concord, MA 01742. Additional information regarding donations can be found at 

We thank you for reading the newspaper and supporting our efforts! 

With gratitude, 

The Board of The Concord Bridge