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Don’t forget to license your dog for 2024 

December 11, 2023

Have a dog? Consider some new bling for its collar: the 2024 dog license. 

Dog license applications are being mailed out with the annual census, but registration is now open — your best bet at getting a coveted low tag number. 

All dogs ages six months and older must be vaccinated against rabies and must be licensed where the dog resides. Dogs may be licensed in person, online, or by mail. 

In person: 22 Monument Square, Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Friday, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 

Online dog licensing information: 

By mail: 22 Monument Square, Concord, MA 01742. 

What you need: 

  1. Rabies vaccination certificate — must be current (may be on file at Town Clerk’s Office, if renewing or using a local veterinarian; email if you’re unsure). 
  1. Owner information: Name, address, phone number, and email. 
  1. Dog name, breed, and date of birth. 
  1. Payment: $15 ($20 if not spayed/neutered) cash or check (payable to “Town of Concord”). Online payments require credit or debit card. 
  1. Kennel licensing fees vary if you have more than three dogs. 
  1. Kennel/boarding location inspection is required prior to issuance of any kennel licenses. 
  1. Self-addressed, stamped envelope (two forever stamps for up to three dog tags). 

Important deadlines: 

  • March 31, 2024: Grace period for dog licensing ends. 
  • April 1, 2024: $25 late fee applies along with possible fines.