Concord needs to keep knowledgeable, fair, and effective leaders on our School Committee, and that is why I ask you to re-elect Tracey Marano for School Committee. Her actions speak volumes. Now serving as the Chair of the Concord-Carlisle Regional School District, Tracey runs our School Committee meetings efficiently while allowing plenty of time for discussion by all School Committee members, administrators, students, and parents. She does her research and listens to the arguments, especially on the high-profile issues including curriculum choices, special education, classroom size, and budgets.
Speaking of budgets, I watched Tracey deftly handle questions from a wall of Finance Committee members from Concord and Carlisle during the February 15 joint meeting of the two FinComs and the schools (the February 15 Concord Finance Committee video is now posted on MMN’s YouTube channel). Tracey fielded questions about the high school’s operating budget and other school warrant articles that are proposed for Town Meeting. She was on the hot seat, and kept her cool. With help from Dr. Hunter and Bob Conry (school finance), Tracey patiently explained the need for a permanent bathroom facility at Memorial Stadium. She explored design and building costs, budget drivers, and risks and rewards of budget adjustments with the FinCom members. As a member of Concord’s FinCom, I was impressed with her ability to address the questions and comments.
Our school system is a top economic engine for our town; people move to Concord for the schools. Tracey has the School Committee experience and commitment we need. For that reason, I urge you to return Tracey Marano to the School Committee on April 9.
Karlen Reed*
Whits End Road
*Reed is a Finance Committee member writing on her own behalf.