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Members of the Concord Minute Men sing during the annual Meriam’s Corner Parade and Exercise, April 6, 2024. Photo by Ken McGagh for The Concord Bridge

A revolutionary moment: Meriam’s Corner 2024 in photos

The annual Meriam’s Corner Parade and Exercise memorializes the actions of colonial militia and minuteman units that arrived at the spot during the British retreat from Concord on April 19, 1775. This month’s commemoration mingled representations of the intensity and purpose of those fighters of centuries ago with the excitement and fascination of the modern-day spectators who gathered to witness the procession.

Photos by Ken McGagh for The Concord Bridge

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Fife players Scott Evans, left, of the Concord Minute Men and Dale Wilson of the Acton Minutemen warm up at the Ripley Building. Ken McGagh for The Concord Bridge
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Members of the Middlesex County 4-H Fife and Drum Corps stay dry in a steady drizzle while wating for the start of the annual Meriam’s Corner Parade and Exercise at the Ripley Building, April 6, 2024. Photo by Ken McGagh for The Concord Bridge
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The Concord Independent Battery fires a salute during the Meriam’s Corner Parade and Exercise. The commemoration marks the assembly and actions of Colonial militia and minuteman units that arrived at Meriam’s Corner during the British retreat from Concord at the start of the American Revolution. Photo by Ken McGagh for The Concord Bridge
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The Concord Independent Battery fires a cannon salute during the Meriam’s Corner Parade and Exercise. Photo by Ken McGagh for The Concord Bridge
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The Concord Minute Men prepare to fire a musket volley during the Meriam’s Corner Parade and Exercise. Photo by Ken McGagh for The Concord Bridge
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Wearing a full Colonial uniform, Nathaniel Kail, 7, of Boxborough stands at attention as marchers go by. Photo by Ken McGagh for The Concord Bridge
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The Bedford Minutemen march in Concord’s Meriam’s Corner Parade and Exercise. Photo by Ken McGagh for The Concord Bridge
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James Fraser, 3, left, Riley Nurse, 6, Jack Fraser, 6, and Addie Nurse, 3, all of Concord, wave flags as marchers pass by. Photo by Ken McGagh for The Concord Bridge
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O. Mario Favorito, left, Concord’s 2024 Honored Citizen, attends the Meriam’s Corner Exercise with Henry Dane, chair of the Select Board. Photo by Ken McGagh for The Concord Bridge