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Rev. Rebecca Floyd-Marshall blesses Bella, a goldendoodle belonging to Jason Alvarez of Sharon. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge

Photos: Blessing of the Animals 2024

There weren’t paws in the pews, but pets still went to church for the annual Blessing of the Animals ceremony at Trinitarian Congregational Church on Sunday. 

Though dogs were most prevalent on the church’s front lawn, those receiving blessings from clergy also included a cat, a pair of lizards, stuffed animals, and even photos of pets.

After a brief service, Rev. Rebecca Floyd-Marshall, Rev. Martha Schick, Rev. Nancy Haynes, and Rev. Tom Speers fanned out to bestow individual blessings on the critters and their proxies. Church volunteers then presented pet owners with a certificate. After the animals were duly blessed, their humans enjoyed conversation, face painting, goldfish crackers, animal crackers, and sidewalk chalk painting. — Ken McGagh

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Rev. Rebecca Floyd-Marshall blesses Derby, a 6-year-old Jack Russell terrier from Sudbury, during Sunday’s Blessing of the Animals. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge
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Rev. Martha Schick, right, blesses Chihuahua/terrier mix Emmie as owner Michelle Stewart of Concord holds the leash. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge
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Rust, a crested gecko belonging to Jason Sport of Concord, receives a benediction from Rev. Tom Speers during the Blessing of the Animals at Trinitarian Congregational Church. Another of Sport’s geckos, who goes by the name of 50 Cent, also received a blessing from clergy. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge.
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Crested gecko Rust crawls up the sleeve of Rev. Tom Speers of TriCon Church after receiving a blessing on Sunday. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge
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Hannah, right, and Arthur, corgis belonging to Mary and Wayne Jalenak of Maynard, arrive for their blessing. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge
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Dogs and owners gather on the Trinitarian Congregational Church front lawn. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge
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Zachariah, a cat belonging to Thad Jackson of Sudbury, sits pensively in a carrier after being blessed. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge
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Abby Probolus, 7, and her brother Ben, 5, pet a golden retriever after the Blessing of the Animals. The Westford siblings came with their grandparents, Leslie and Bill Ackles of Concord, and also had their stuffed animals blessed on Sunday. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge
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Charlotte Stone, 4, of Concord, has her stuffed animal “Nar” blessed by Rev. Nancy Haynes. Several children brought their stuffies for a blessing on Sunday. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge