Mosquito Sep 23
Illustration by Peter Farago

Breaking: Concord Board of Health lifts dusk-to-dawn EEE recommendation 

Concord mosquito samples collected on September 24 have tested negative for eastern equine encephalitis, and the town Board of Health has lifted its recommendation that residents avoid outdoor activities from dusk to dawn. 

That’s good news for all those outside happenings, including Saturday’s Kicks for Cancer events. 

The recommendation that Concordians curtail outdoor time came during an emergency September 14 BOH meeting after mosquitoes tested positive for two consecutive weeks and the state designated Concord as a high-risk area for EEE, a rare but serious mosquito-borne illness.

The board authorized pesticide spraying on town and school fields and the school district moved to adopt those protective recommendations, leaving some sports teams and event organizers scrambling to reschedule. 

The risk of exposure has lessened, but health authorities are urging residents to keep taking precautions until the first frost. These include: 

• Using insect repellent and wearing long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and socks.

• Ensuring window screens are intact to keep mosquitos out.

• Removing standing water where mosquitoes might breed.

• Avoiding areas with obvious mosquito activity.

• Limiting outdoor activities when possible. 

Contact the Health Division at (978) 318-3275 with questions and concerns.

— Christine M. Quirk