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Revolutionary War re-enactors from the Concord Minute Men, Acton Minutemen, and 6th Middlesex Regiment fire a musket volley during Concord250’s “250 Days to the 250th: Community Kickoff” on August 11. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge

The Concord Bridge’s best photos of 2024

As the year comes to a close, The Concord Bridge looks back at some of the most stunning images we’ve published in 2024. We — and our talented photographers — look forward to 2025 and continuing our work on the first draft of Concord’s history.

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The morning sun glitters on fresh snow at Walden Pond on January 8. Photo courtesy of Charles Jennings
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The Yuanqi Ladies Team performs at the Lunar New Year Festival at Concord-Carlisle High School on February 10. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge
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Eli Yoken, 10, competes in the 2x2x2 Rubik’s cube competition during the World Cube Association’s Battle of Concord, March 2. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge
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Portraying a British officer in the 10th Regiment of Foot, Paul O’Shaughnessy recites the names of British war dead during the seventh annual Patriot Vigil at Minute Man National Historical Park on April 18. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge
FOR MOTHER S DAY swan piggyback
A mother swan gives her sleepy cygnet a ride near the Concord-Sudbury line, April 29. Photo courtesy of Jean Fain
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The Minute Man Statue is silhouetted against the brilliance of the northern lights on May 10. Photo courtesy of Mara Dolan
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Concord-Carlisle High School graduates toss their mortarboards to the sky at the conclusion of commencement exercises on June 1. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge
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Celebrants march through Concord Center in the inaugural Concord Pride Fest, June 22. Photo by Maia Kennedy Photography
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Members of the 10th Massachusetts Regiment stand at attention during a reading of the Declaration of Independence at North Bridge on July 4. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge
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Children compete in the potato sack race during the town’s annual Picnic in the Park at Emerson Playground, July 4. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge
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Actors as fairies in disguise dash through the audience during The Concord Players’ performance of Shakespeare’s “The Merry Wives of Windsor” outside the Concord Free Public Library, July 20. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge
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Quinlee Genatempo, 12, fans herself as she waits to march to Monument Square during Concord250’s “250 Days to the 250th Community Kickoff” at the Concord Museum, August 11. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge
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The Marquis de Lafayette, portrayed by re-enactor Ben Goldman, tips his hat during his return visit to Concord, September 2. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge
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Marshall Farm resident Jerry stares down a photographer during Ag Day in Concord Center, September 7. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge
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Stacey Charles is reflected in the transparent acrylic silhouette of Ellen Garrison, the 19th-century educator and civil rights activist, as she holds her daughter Namarie, 1, on a Monument Square bench, October 5. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge
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Joseph Zellner, a character interpreter and re-enactor for the Massachusetts 54th Volunteer Regiment, touches the name of Civil War veteran George Washington Dugan following a Monument Square ceremony, November 9. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge
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Sunlight shimmers on Walden Pond as William Clift, 11, looks for minnows, November 14. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge
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Daniel Karpachev, 4, gets a boost from his father, Roman, during the Concord Center tree lighting and parade on December 1. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge
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