SB RTE 1 scaled
Following a vote by the Select Board, a new task force will begin examining Concord’s residential tax exemption in the spring. Photo: Dakota Antelman/The Concord Bridge

New task force to evaluate residential tax exemption

January 7, 2025

By Dakota Antelman[email protected]

A new task force will aim to help officials evaluate Concord’s residential tax exemption.

The panel will also examine existing tax relief programs to see if there are other options or possible changes to help seniors, low- and moderate-income renters, and other lower-income residents.

“There’s a lot of work here to be done,” said Select Board member Wendy Rovelli.

Rovelli presented a task force charge to her colleagues at Monday night’s board meeting. The group approved an amended version 4-1, with Cameron McKennitt opposed.

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The application for the RTE’s first year. Photo: Celeste Katz Marston/The Concord Bridge

The RTE shifts some of the town’s tax burden onto those with higher-valued houses or non-residents who own vacation homes. The board first adopted it for the 2024 tax year and renewed it for 2025. 

Many supporters hope the tax break will prevent people from being priced out of Concord.

Opponents call the measure unfair and ineffective. 

The new charge asks the yet-to-be-appointed seven-person task force to find criteria and metrics to measure the RTE’s success. It also names a part of state law known as Clause 41C½ as a potential new senior tax exemption for the task force to consider.

The group is due to give the Select Board an interim update in September and present a final report after one year of work. 

As the Select Board discussed the task force, McKennitt asked for a broader examination of relief options and the ways they’re advertised. 

Board member Terri Ackerman said a now-disbanded committee previously took a broad look. “We’ve already done that work,” she said.

With the charge approved, Select Board members will next make nominations for the task force. Members agreed to seek a balance of perspectives and said they hope to appoint members in March or April.

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