GoodbyeToXmas 06
Dick Monaghan’s Christmas tree takes flight. Photo: Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge

Goodbye, Christmas trees

By Christine M. Quirk — [email protected]

The town’s Christmas Tree, Holiday Light, and Styrofoam Recycling Event — for Concord residents only — continues on Saturday at 755 Walden Street from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Christmas trees and holiday lights will be accepted. Residents can also drop off Styrofoam blocks in pre-purchased bags, which are available at the Clinton Public Works campus at 133 Keyes Road. Bags may also be purchased via

Wreaths and garlands can’t be recycled because of their wire frames, but the Concord Free Public Library will hold a wreath composting event from 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 1, at the Fowler Branch at 1322 Main Street. Learn more at

Otherwise, trees can be brought to the compost site when it reopens in April, and wreaths and garlands can go in the regular trash.

Concordians parted ways with their holiday trees last weekend.

Photos by Ken McGagh/The Concord Bridge

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Tom Woods, left, and Kim Burns carry their Christmas trees to the pile.
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Theo Kindermans hauls his tree to the compost area.
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Dave and Jennifer Munn prepare to toss their tree on January 3.
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Patricia and Peter Ward carry their addition to the Christmas tree collection.
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Stephen Scully offloads his cargo during the town’s Christmas Tree, Holiday Light and Styrofoam Recycling Event.
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