Regarding hunting, safety first at MCI property

January 17, 2025

The residents in the vicinity of the former MCI property, and frequent users of Gerow Park and the Rail Trail, would like to thank Rep. Simon Cataldo and Sen. Michael Barrett for putting safety first at the former MCI property. 

While hunting on the small parcel of farmland off Route 2 had its time and place, safety was quickly becoming an issue with the development of the popular Rail Trail and Gerow Park. Even prior to these civil works projects, neighbors abutting the cornfield were subject to birdshot landing in their yard and booming early morning gunshots. 

On December 23, 2024, Bill H4200 was signed into law, stating that “No person shall discharge a firearm … on the property owned by the Department of Correction located at 28A Union Turnpike in the Town of Concord” (i.e., the small parcel of farmland west of Gerow Park and directly abutting south of the Rail Trail). This legislation goes into effect on March 23, 2025. Thank you, Rep. Cataldo, for sponsoring the bill and working with Sen. Barrett and your constituency. Thank you also to police chief Tom Mulcahy for his support and participation.

Mike McDonald

Court Booth

Wright Road