I am excited to announce my candidacy for the Concord Select Board. I offer my record of community service and a strong commitment to Concord’s history, values, and future.
My professional journey has been shaped by education and leadership. I grew up in Lincoln and graduated from Concord Academy. I hold a bachelor degree from Columbia College, a JD from Harvard Law School, and a master’s degree in historic conservation studies from the University of York, England.
My husband and I moved to Concord in 2006. My four children attend school in Concord — two at Willard, one at Fenn, and one at Concord Middle School. In 2011, I founded Trail’s End Cafe. I have since grown my local business ventures, including Concord Market, into community-centered enterprises.
I have been committed to civic engagement for as long as I can remember. In 2016, I served on the Town Governance Committee. I recently completed two terms on the Concord Zoning Board of Appeals, and I am currently a member of the MCI Advisory Committee, where I chair the Legal and Government Affairs Subcommittee. I also serve as a board member of the Concord Business Partnership.
These roles have given me insight into Concord’s successes, challenges, and opportunities. I am eager to bring my experience, dedication, and collaborative spirit to the Select Board. I look forward to engaging with neighbors and hearing your thoughts on how we can best serve our town together.
Elizabeth Akehurst-Moore
Holden Wood Road