Michael Williams would bring ‘equitable’ approach to schools

January 24, 2025

We are writing in support of Dr. Michael Williams’ candidacy for School Committee. We have known Michael, his wife Clary, and their family for close to 40 years. Our children were friends, classmates, and teammates while growing up. We fast became friends as adults and at times shared the stories and wounds of navigating the challenges of mixed-race couples raising biracial children in an affluent, mostly-white community. We have welcomed their friendship over the years.

Michael is an accomplished pediatric surgeon, now retired. He finds himself with the time and energy to devote his skills and talent to the challenges faced by the Concord and Concord-Carlisle School Committees. Michael is smart, articulate, and a problem solver. He is a good listener who looks for fair and reasonable and equitable solutions to complex problems facing the community — affecting students, parents, faculty, administrators, and taxpayers alike. He has a calm, respectful, and pleasant demeanor, which can go a long way to help heal the sharp divisiveness that exists on the board and in the community. If elected, he is committed to genuine transparency as a member of the board. He will not support decisions being made in a vacuum, prior to public input. He respects the open meeting and public hearing process.

Being able to work collaboratively and effectively with professional staff, other elected boards and committees, and the citizens of Concord is not easy, and the problems are complex. He is a deliberative thinker who does his homework and weighs all aspects of an issue before recommending or making a decision. He will not just be another rubber stamp. 

We urge you to join us in voting for Dr. Michael Williams at the town election on April 8, 2025.

Anita and Hagos Tekle

Virginia Road