Concord250 - Page 6

Plans take shape for Concord250 

November 18, 2023
When discussing plans for the 250th anniversary of the start of the American Revolution, the focus of Concord250 is, naturally, Concord. Gary Clayton, co-chair of the Concord250 Executive Committee, said an intermunicipal

Countdown to Concord250: Meet the new co-chairs

October 5, 2023
Gary Clayton and Rob Munro are the new co-chairs of the Concord250 Executive Committee after former Chairman Henry Dane stepped down from the role. He remains on the committee. The co-chairs said

Volunteers ramp up for Concord 250

September 7, 2023
By Jim Sherblom When your graphic design needs to capture past, present and future — while refreshing old concepts with 21st century style — who will you call? In Concord, it’s
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