Select Board models compassion on Pride flag decision

June 28, 2024

At the June 17, 2024 Select Board meeting, the board concluded a two-session discussion about raising the Pride flag on the town’s flagpole as part of Concord’s first townwide celebration of Pride month. The discussion, as usual, was thoughtful and included differing viewpoints. The Board evaluated their decision using the current policy and made a decision to review the policy, which had been in place for a year, again in a near future meeting. 

Of particular importance was a heartfelt statement made by Select Board member Mark Howell that, whether it was intended or not, the board may have really disturbed some members of our community through the board’s process. He actually went so far as to say he was apologetic about the level of discomfort and pain that may have been caused by delaying the decision. I am impressed by such a compassionate response that recognizes the humanity in all of us. 

Our volunteer board members do so much for our town. And one of the most important things I think they can do is model this kind of sincere and humble ability to listen, to hear from the most marginalized members of our community, and to be willing to do what it takes to help those voices be heard. Even if it means changing a decision or issuing a public apology.

Thank you, Mark. 

Kristen Hagerty

Revolutionary Road