Letter: Thank you, Concord Cultural Council

January 26, 2023

The Carlisle Chamber Orchestra (CCO) acknowledges and thanks the Concord Cultural Council for awarding us a grant through the Massachusetts Cultural Council for our upcoming March 2023 concert featuring pianist George Lopez. We are finally seeing our dedicated audience members returning after a pandemic pause, to be entertained by a full orchestra on stage, providing classical music to the Concord/Carlisle community and beyond.

The March concert features music by Brahms: Symphony No. 1 and Piano Concerto No. 1. George Lopez, pianist, is Bowdoin (Maine) College’s artist in residence and has performed world-wide as well as presenting sold-out lecture recitals on the relationship of music to art and ideas. Besides being a classical pianist, Mr. Lopez is also comfortable playing jazz and ragtime to more contemporary styles of improvisation. We invite everyone to come hear him at our most affordable (free or with a donation) concert at the Carlisle Congregational Church, Carlisle, on March 10 at 8 p.m.  All of our concerts are on video on our website: www.CCOrch.org

From the CCO Board of Directors

Richard and Kathy Chick, co-founders

Suffolk Lane, Carlisle