Letter: Karlen leads by listening

February 16, 2023

Concord needs Karlen Reed on our Select Board.

Karlen is a collaborative problem-solver, who views Concord’s challenges from a broad lens — from the perspective of parents who care about our schools, seniors who are concerned about their financial ability to stay in town, residents who are proud of Concord’s rich history and amazing natural resources and town staff members that are proud to work for us.

How do we connect all these disparate groups to chart a path that represents the best that Concord can be? 

Karlen is committed to the dialogue that will bring all the disparate voices in Concord together to chart a path for the future.

When she was chair of the PEG Access Advisory Committee, she initiated many public conversations on fair housing, our town’s sustainability plans, and the basics of how our town government works. Bottom line, Karlen is committed to assuring that Concord residents get the information they need to be sure that their town is meeting their needs.

We need an active listener like Karlen on our Select Board to assure that all perspectives are included in key town decisions.

Ellen Quackenbush

Prairie St