Letter: Ortner backs Reed for Select Board

February 16, 2023

It is with great pleasure that I nominated Karlen Reed to become the next member of Concord’s Select Board at the Town Caucus meeting held on January 30. 

Over the years Karlen and I have worked on projects, strategies and events primarily associated with the League of Women Voters. Karlen always exhibits a genuine interest and openness to learning with an impartial attitude and in a collaborative manner. Karlen is an inherent problem-solver. She dives deeply into all projects, seeks out additional facts and data whenever necessary and intensely reflects on all information before acting or making a decision. 

As a member of the Select Board, Karlen will work diligently on every issue. I trust Karlen. I know she will make an exemplary member of Concord’s Select Board.

I urge you to join me and vote for Karlen Reed to serve on our Select Board.

Dee Ortner
Thoreau Street