Has this happened to you? You’re sitting on your porch in the spring or summer enjoying a quiet lunch when landscapers pull up at your neighbor’s house — oh no — your peaceful lunch is over! As the leaf blowers start up, sometimes three at a time, the sound is deafening. And it’s not just the noise; the machines are guzzling gasoline and emitting greenhouse gasses into the air.
Article 37 allows a phased-in approach to a ban on gas-powered leaf blowers, giving two years for landscapers and three years for residents to retire fossil fuel-dependent blowers. We can join the town of Lexington and encourage an evolution in landscaping as it becomes more environment-friendly (Google “town of Lexington MA gas leaf blower ban”).
I’m proud that Concord stood up to serious pushback from big beverage companies when we banned plastic water bottles. We care about the planet and we can reduce greenhouse gasses and noise pollution at the same time if this bill passes. Please come to Town Meeting on April 30 and vote in support of Article 37 so we can all enjoy a peaceful lunch on the porch.
Lisa Resnick
Laurel Street