Letter: Landscapers say Article 37 will increase costs for homeowners

April 6, 2023

Article 37 seeks to ban the use of gas-powered leaf blowers in Concord.

We appreciate our customers’ concerns about the noise that these machines make and look forward to servicing you with comparable electric blowers in the near future.

However, electric blowers do not yet provide the POWER or LONGEVITY for us to do our jobs efficiently.

COSTS for electric equipment are considerably more.

A ban now would mean that we would have to increase our customer prices by at least 2-3 times just to stay even. The time to service your properties also would increase.

A comparison of costs:

  • Gas-powered leaf blower: $600; gas can: $20; Total $620
  • Commercial Grade electric batteries, used at full power, last only 20 minutes. Charging times are about 3 hours. Ten (10) batteries are needed for one workday.
  • Commercial Grade Electric Blower, including 1 battery: $1,600
  • Multiple-Battery Charging System: $1,000
  • Nine extra Batteries @$700: $6,300
  • Portable gas-powered charger (runs the electric chargers): $500 
  • Total Investment (for one operator): $9,400.
  • Most firms would need equipment for at least three operators.

We would try our best to economize wherever we can. But to stay in business we would have to pass along a good deal of these increases to our customers. Your current bill would likely double and perhaps even triple.

We ask for your patience and support until electric leaf-blower technology and costs will allow us to deliver top-notch service at a price we can both afford.

Please vote “NO” on Article 37 at Town Meeting, Sunday, April 30/Monday, May1.

Landscapers Doing Business in Concord

Marianne Maurer, Maurer Company 

Ryan Hargesheimer, Ryan’s Lawn 

Joe Manero, Manero Brothers Landscaping

Todd Stout,, Perfection Landscaping 

Ronaldo Geremias, Ronaldo’s Landscaping Service

Michael Lynch, Lynch Landscape & Tree Service, Inc.