Letter: Respect all personal beliefs

May 4, 2023

I was pleased to be able to attend the Miriam Corner event on Saturday April 8. I appreciate the time and efforts of the multitude of volunteers who were involved in the planning and who participated. However, I strongly object to the Reverend’s presentation at that event. His repeated and powerful pronouncements that we call on, praise, pray to and give thanks to “Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior” was inappropriate for any town-sponsored public event. The Reverend’s promotion of a single belief system was not consistent with what we value and expect in our community. I contacted Susan McCrory, Chair, Concord Public Ceremonies and Celebrations Committee, to express my concerns and she said that she would share my comments with other committee members. I requested a formal response from the Committee regarding policies and intentions moving forward. I look forward to a public statement of assurance that all personal beliefs are considered and respected so that everyone can feel comfortable at future town events.

Honore Weiner

Main Street