Letter: Whatever is going to happen to Warner’s Pond?

August 24, 2023

The Concord Bridge did a good job in the August 4 issue covering problems that have been recently experienced in completing Gerow Park. The article makes it clear that the Town of Concord first paid a rather large price for purchasing this land and are now facing unanticipated demands for a lot more money from one of the contractors they hired. The town is insisting that the contractor do what he said he would do for the money he originally requested or that he provide detailed justification of the currently requested amount. The article was all about finances and not much at all about what is to become of the land and the pond.

In the same issue, a Warner’s Pond abutter called for delay in a municipal plan to remove the Warner Pond Dam and release water from the pond, converting the location largely to marshland. There are signs all around the area saying “Save Warner’s Pond.” Originally, there was a plan to offer swimming in the pond; and an important resource at the park was to be a swimming beach. Later, there were reports that the water in the pond had been found not fit to swim in. The town had apparently not determined that before they acquired the land. A broad journalistic perspective on what should become of this pond and park would be of value. Many neighborhood people care big time about preserving the pond! Could The Concord Bridge provide coverage of the whole story, including reasons to remove or not remove the dam? I think this will be coming up for a vote at Town Meeting. 

Bob Andrews

Staffordshire Lane