Registration open for Concord Carlisle Adult Ed

September 5, 2023

Gear up for fall by learning something new! Fall registration for classes offered through Concord Carlisle Adult & Community Education (CCACE) is now open; full details are at

Want to get outside and take advantage of cooler fall weather? Check out Concord Fall Walks, Fitness Walks, and Concord Historical Walks. Up your parenting game with Parenting Teens in the Age of Miscommunication, in partnership with Concord nonprofit BeWellBeHere; Executive Function Skills for your College-Bound High-School Child, and My Kid Wants to be a YouTuber – Help!

For parents of preschool aged children, there are two six-week parenting groups led by Allison Flynn, a licensed clinical psychologist with a specialty in child development and mental health. Strengthen Your Parenting Skills is geared to parents of children three and under, while Parenting a Child with Special Needs is open to parents of children who either have a specific diagnosis or are simply struggling. Both groups offer a childcare component.

From investing advice to college prep and everything in between, CCACE has something for everyone. Check out their website or call their office at 978-318-1432.