Letter: Don’t forget — The Concord Bridge is both in print and online 

October 12, 2023

Hello Concord neighbors, and Lincoln too — in case you’re interested. 

Most of you have probably seen recent issues of The Concord Bridge, the newspaper now celebrating its first year of publication. Replacing the truly awful former Concord Journal that covered almost nothing of local interest, this new weekly nonprofit is an excellent way for us to keep up with Concord happenings. But while hard copies are mailed free to every 01742 Concord zip code, over here in 01773 land we didn’t make the cut.  

I’m writing to point out that The Concord Bridge is easily available online (theconcordbridge.org) with new issues coming out on Thursdays and, if you want to request hard copies mailed to you, that’s an option. As you’ll see on this week’s edition, they’re pleased to take donations.    

Wishing all our Autumn Lane, Fox Run, Sandy Pond Road and Pheasant Lane neighbors a peaceful fall and relatively storm-free winter, 

Helen Bowdoin 

Autumn Lane