Letter: The Concord Association of Retired Men’s club updates 

October 29, 2023

The Concord Association of Retired Men conducted their October meeting at the Brookside Apartments. This meeting was fully attended with the addition of three new members.  

President Bob Marquis opened the meeting with the introduction of the new members. Bob also reviewed the present status of the club and the plans for the future. This was followed with an overview of club finances by our new treasurer, Ed Larner. Next was Spencer Borden, who discussed his recent trip to Greece and gave his monthly health report in an attempt to keep us seniors in good health. Next was Jerry Hurley, who is the club’s music director. Jerry discussed the origins of our National Anthem. Our meeting concluded with an open discussion of club members’ thoughts and Ideas.  

Our club welcomes new members who may be interested in a monthly get-together with a group of retirees from diverse backgrounds. If interested, call Bob Marquis at 508-733-1575.  

Bob Marquis 

Main Street