Letter: Points, perspective on the Warner’s Pond Dam 

October 29, 2023

1. The Select Board states that dismantling Warner’s Pond Dam is not imminent – so why is it being considered for the next Town Meeting? If TM votes yes, then that’s imminent! 

2. A reminder that almost $6 million, out of $9.5 million for the dredging project, was due to an onerous Natural Resources Conservation requirement to transport sediment offsite. Remove that requirement and rebid the project. The EA Engineer report stated that’s a viable solution. Set this up for a vote at the next TM instead of dismantling the dam. 

3. It seems that when Concord needs to fulfill low-income housing requirements, it often turns to West Concord. Yet, when West Concord turns to Concord for help with Warner’s Pond, town officials suggest saving the Pond by draining it.  

4. As West Concord roadways and infrastructure become overwhelmed by increased development, and the character of the village is being eroded, it’s worth reviewing developments since 2001.  

The town approved four projects adding 369 apartments and senior living units within the village; tried to pay a developer $3 million to add 80 units off Commonwealth Avenue, but the deal fell through; is considering approving 201 rental units off Baker Avenue and a mixed-use three-story building within the heart of the village; approved 350 apartments and 60 apartments and homes in separate projects near the Maynard line; and built its school bus depot (35 buses and ~50 employees) just over the town line.  

5. If town officials insist on packing developments on our side of town, and push our infrastructure to the breaking point, at the very least LET US KEEP THE DAM POND. Terminate the dam demolition study and rebid the dredging project.  

Miguel Echavarri 

Commonwealth Avenue