Letter: Concord Indivisible counters antisemitism 

January 26, 2024

The Concord Bridge is providing a great service to our town. We look forward to reading it every week. I appreciate the hard work of all staff. Unfortunately, a front-page headline on January 12 was misleading. Concord Indivisible co-hosted the January 6 Save Our Democracy rally at First Parish Church. The Bridge included the phrase “Never Again” in the headline of its article about the rally, but did not explain why. The phrase is not mentioned in the article. 

A letter writer last week expressed concern that Concord Indivisible lacked sensitivity to Jewish suffering because “Never Again” is commonly used to remind us of the Jewish Holocaust. However, rally signs made by Concord Indivisible read “Remember January 6.” In photos from the event, I’ve been able to find only one handwritten sign that reads “Never Forget 1/6” and none that read “Never Again.” Concord Indivisible’s blog details members’ efforts to counter antisemitism: https://concordindivisible.org/ci-blog/ 

Small mistakes can add up to large misunderstandings that hurt friends and neighbors. 

Nora Murphy 

Monument Street