Letter: Tracey Marano deserves another term on the School Committee 

February 24, 2024

I am writing to enthusiastically support Tracey Marano for another term on the School Committee (SC).  

Tracey is committed to high-quality education and student achievement is her top priority. During her first term on the SC, the last year of which she has been the chair, she has been transparent, honest, respectful and strong in her convictions. When the SC is faced with a decision, Tracey researches the issue and approaches it with integrity, an open mind and hard work. She always considers all angles of an issue. Tracey works tirelessly to ensure she is making the best decision for our children. The health and success of our students is always her number one priority. 

I have known Tracey for 17 years and she never backs down from a challenge. I served on school boards and PTGs with Tracey, and I have witnessed first-hand how she approaches everything. We served on the board of a preschool where we had to move the school and recruit students during a recession. We were in charge of retaining teachers and were able to pay them while finding suitable space that met very strict state guidelines. We had to handle delicate issues with teachers and I watched Tracey handle everything with grace.  

The past few years have been tough for the SC. Tracey led the SC through the end of Covid and bringing our students and teachers back to “normal,” the finalization of the new middle school building, and most recently a debate on the naming of CMS. 

Tracey has the experience – she was a special ed teacher and an assistant principal in Bedford. She is respectful of other opinions, is a great listener and she gets the job done. 

Please join me in voting for Tracey Marano for School Committee. 

Kristin Martines 

Alford Circle