Letter: Backing ‘team player’ Liz Cobbs for School Committee 

February 24, 2024

It is my pleasure to endorse Liz Cobbs as a candidate for the Concord School Committee. I have worked closely with Liz on several projects and believe she has a skill set that will be of great value to our school committee. When researching an issue, she is very thorough and comfortable doing deep dives into any necessary data. She is then able to present an analysis that is easily understood. Liz is a strong team player as she listens carefully to varying sides of an issue and can build consensus while still keeping sight of what is important. She is a highly principled individual and approaches her work with thoroughness and integrity. 

After living overseas, Liz and her family decided to permanently settle in Concord. They were drawn to Concord for our excellent schools and opportunities for civic involvement in our town. Liz was appointed to the Personnel Board because of her professional and collaborative skills. She has been an active participant in various town committee meetings and her extensive volunteer work underscore her commitment to service and civic involvement. Though Concord may be a small town in New England, the students who graduate from our schools will be facing a broader global community. Liz brings a fresh perspective and skill set influenced by living and working with a multitude of people in other cultures; a plus for our School Committee. 

Pat Brewer 

Wright Road