Joe Laurin is the kind of change Concord governance needs

March 11, 2024

Letters submitted to The Bridge highlight two observations: 1) residents are unhappy and in disagreement with town governing bodies (Select Board, HDC, etc.), 2) people on those boards are indifferent and will push forward their agendas regardless. Fortunately, upcoming elections offer an opportunity to address these issues by replacing current members with people who love and care for Concord, practice fiscal responsibility and don’t act first and think second.

HDC member Dennis Fiori does not check any of these boxes. First, he dismissed the significance of the historic markers, asserting “citizens rarely notice them” and letters of objections poured in. Clearly, those letters passed right by him, because he continued on his agenda, asserting “I don’t think anybody’s going to miss them” and more letters of protests followed, and now he is suggesting to replace the signs with QR codes! Those signs were part of Concord’s history and had aesthetic value, imagine walking through this historic town and looking at QR codes plastered around.

The Select Board is not any better, only Chair Dane had the backbone to oppose the manufactured “maintenance” excuse used to remove the signs while facts are being gathered. This kind of “act first and think second” approach is the cause for over spending, increased taxes, unfair tax exemption policies to clean up their own mess, and more. If we don’t put an end to this, the chickens will eventually come home to roost. It’s time for a serious change. 

Therefore, I strongly support Joe Laurin’s candidacy. We need leaders who make decisions based on facts and fiscal responsibility, not ignorance and path of least resistance. 

George Stepanian 

Shaw Farm Road