Concord Library: New programs for all ages

November 3, 2022


“Twenty Classic Horror Movies and Why They Are Good for You” Monday, November 7, 7:00pm.

Horror movies are one of the most popular, enduring, and lucrative genres in the history of cinema. Starting with early successes in silent films and German Expressionist cinema, horror movies became recognized as a genre after the successful Universal Studios release of Dracula in 1931. This one-hour talk by Randall Warniers on Zoom will summarize the early history of horror movies and describe the most famous films in the genre, from The Golem in 1920 to Psycho in 1960.

“Conversation Circle for English Language Learners at Fowler” Tuesday, November 8, 1:00pm.

Join us for a volunteer-led gathering to practice English! All levels welcome, including beginners. No registration required.

“Author Talk: Irena Kowal, Author of Displaced” Thursday, November 10, 7:00pm.

Displaced has resonance today as 12 million Ukrainians are displaced. The novel follows Irena, brought up in the U.S. and her older brother Orest, who was left behind in Soviet Ukraine as their parents escaped during WWII. The two meet for the first time in 1969 Moscow. Displaced is a tragicomic blend of historical fiction, fantasy and farce. This program takes place in the Goodwin Forum at the Main Library.


“Teen Dungeons & Dragons (Figurine Painting and Character Sheets)” Wednesday, November 9, 3:30pm.

We are kicking off the Winter season Dungeons & Dragons campaigns with figurine painting (attendees can choose from a selection) and character creation. Meet with our DM’s and plan with other players. This program takes place in the Teen Room at the Main Library.

“Navigating College Admissions Successfully” Wednesday, November 16, 7:00pm.

This Zoom presentation by Stand Out for College, LLC will review the changing college admissions landscape, and what is necessary for families and teens to consider when preparing to apply for college, including the importance of community service and the holistic review process many admissions officers use to evaluate applicants.


“Comics Workshop for Kids” Wednesday, November 9, 4:00pm.

Bring your own story to life!
Learn about graphic novels and how to draw comics. This workshop will empower students to share their own stories, art, identities, and cultures through comics as well as provide a space for discussion of different stories and perspectives. Recommended for ages 7 and up. Takes place in the Children’s Activity Room at the Main Library. No registration required.

Registration is required for all programs unless otherwise noted. For more information, visit or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.