Kate Kavanagh, Lola Chaisson (quilt designer), Diane Proctor, Janet Rothrock & Ellen Quackenbush

Quilt raffle raised $16,325 for Ukraine children’s hospital

Submitted by Kate Kavanagh
December 9, 2022

Funds from the sale of lottery tickets for Ukraine will provide 65 hospital beds for moms and kids. The quilt was designed and created by Concord Piecemakers, and donated by them for the benefit of a Ukraine hospital.

The quilt committee said 248 community members contributed donations ranging from $20 to $1,000. The winner was Suzanne Grey, a Lincoln resident and artist/sculptor with a studio at the Umbrella Center for the Arts.

The quilt committee expressed its gratitude to the many Concord sponsors who displayed the quilt during its three-month odyssey including: Umbrella Arts Center, Kerem Shalom, Cambridge Trust, First Parish, Trinity Episcopal, TriCon and MANY  community events (Ag Day, Porch Fest, Reproductive Rights Rally, Election Night @ Nosh,Town of Concord holiday celebration).

U.S. Rep. Lori Trahan submitted the following letter:

Warm holiday greetings, and thank you for inviting me to join you for such a festive community event. While I wish I could be with you all in person, I’m grateful for the opportunity to share this message.  

Since Russia’s unjust and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, this Concord community and organization – Concord for Ukraine – has done remarkable work to support the Ukrainian people. This celebration is further proof of your commitment, compassion, and generosity.

Raising $16,000 to get 64 beds to mothers and children in Ukrainian hospitals through a network of on-the-ground volunteers is no small feat – and the fact that you’ve done that in three months is incredible. It’s an accomplishment that you should be proud of, and it makes me proud as your representative and neighbor.

Since the first Russian soldier crossed into Ukraine 283 days ago, the United States has worked in concert with our allies across the globe to provide humanitarian and defensive aid to Ukraine. We’ve done so because we cherish the ability of a nation to be independent, to elect its own leaders, and to chart its own future.

That’s all the Ukrainian people want, and it’s what they deserve.

In March, I had the honor of visiting the Ukrainian border with a bipartisan group of my colleagues. When we met with refugees, humanitarian workers, and government leaders, we didn’t do so as Democrats or Republicans, but rather as Americans. We promised that the United States would continue to stand by them and that we would do what it takes to ensure Russian President Vladimir Putin does not win this war.

I made that promise knowing that I was speaking for each of you here today, and in the coming weeks, months, and possibly even years ahead, we will continue to have to do our part. Our district has welcomed many Ukrainian refugees over the past few months. I’ve had the honor of meeting with them and working with them to get back on their feet and succeed here in their new home. I’m grateful to those of you who have gone out of your way to help them as well.

Today, just as you have countless times before, Concord has proven that we will not stand by as atrocities are committed abroad. Our community will not sit quietly as women and children are forced to go without critical care. We will stand up, we will speak out, and we will work to get the Ukrainian people the support they need. It’s an honor to represent each of you and to work with you all. Thank you again for everything you do, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if my team can ever be helpful.”

Slava Ukraini!