Matt Johnson
Matt Johnson

Matt Johnson will not run for second term on the select board

By Margaret Carroll-Bergman - Correspondent
December 14, 2022

Select Board Chair Matt Johnson will not seek a second term on the Select Board in 2023. 

“It was a difficult decision, but after three fast-paced years, I’ve realized I need to downshift,” he said.

Johnson’s service to the Select Board is marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, when in 2020 most town governments, including Concord’s started to conduct public meetings online.

“I’ve worked in high tech, doing Zoom meetings for years,” he said. “Ironically, in post-Covid, the pomp and circumstance of the [Select Board’s] role are coming back.” Those are roles that Johnson doesn’t necessarily embrace.

Johnson, who prefers to “shy away from the spotlight,” pointed to the 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution; the opening of the new middle school; entertaining a sister city delegation from Japan; and extending the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail to Sudbury and beyond as upcoming ceremonial events for the Select Board.

“I strongly encourage anyone who’s considered running to become a candidate,” he said.

Johnson had served as chair of the Planning Board and as an associate member of the Zoning Board of Appeals before his bid for a seat on the Select Board.

“The Select Board has a different role,” he said of the town’s governing board. “I always made the pitch to the board of directors — not on the board of directors. It’s a change of role.”

He said working with Concord’s town staff, boards and committees, and residents is very rewarding.  Of working with the Select Board, Johnson added, “There’s a lot of diversity of opinion and perspective. Yet, we work well together.”

While he hasn’t made plans for post-Select Board life — Johnson is serving out the remaining five months of his term —  he hopes to remain active in Town affairs and volunteer on the Trails Committee.

“I like to write,” he said. “I have a few different projects in mind, and have to put them on hold. I’m interested in history and local history.”

Three positions will be filled at the March 28, 2023 Annual Town Election. One three-year position on the Select Board, one three-year position on the School Committee, and one-year term for Town Moderator.

The 2023 Town Caucus will be held on Monday, Jan. 30, 2023 at 7 p.m. at the Town House to make nominations for these positions. Nomination papers will be available in January 2023 from the town clerk’s office, if you would like to run, but are not nominated at the Town Caucus. Deadline to return nomination papers is Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023 at 5 p.m. For more information, visit