Letter: Funding schools requires a long-term vision and commitment’

February 9, 2023

I se‘rved as a co-director of the Middle School Building Committee for two years through the development of the Schematic Design. Our family moved to Concord from Carlisle in 2016. I previously served as an elected official in Carlisle (7 years on the School Committee and 13 years as a Selectman). In the course of that service, in addition to the CMSBC, I had the opportunity to serve on 3 previous Building Committees, including the Committee for the CCHS.

Given this experience, I am quite attuned to the attention and concerns by taxpayers relating the significant spending required to fund a new school facility. In my judgment, the approval of the additional funds requested by the CMSBC is both an appropriate educational investment and a sound financial decision.

Funding schools requires a long-term vision and commitment. A 50-year project is most often funded over a shorter time, perhaps 20 to 25 years. In my estimation, Concord has done an excellent job in upgrading the grade school facilities, the high school and now the middle school in a manner that does a reasonable job in managing the financial impact over time. The town will be well served by this planning.

From the beginning the CMSBC has been extremely focused in carefully managing the cost of the project. They were given the task to balance several difficult imperatives. First and foremost, the community deserves a building that will support the best projected educational structure for an excellent middle school. In addition, the community desired a building that is both highly sustainable and supports broad community needs regarding athletics and cultural activities. I believe with these additional funds the appropriate balance has been achieved.

When it is completed, I have no doubt that this building will be a tremendous asset for the town!

Timothy Hult

South Meadow Ridge