Letter: ‘The old middle school has lasted well beyond its design life’

February 11, 2023

We are 81 and 89-year-old Concord residents and are writing in favor of the new Concord Middle School building. We pay taxes in order to provide roads, fire and police services, schools, parks, and other services for the common good.  It isn’t possible to pick and choose which of these services you wish to pay for.
The old middle school has lasted well beyond its design life. The new one is well-designed, with a lot of community input, to meet Concord’s stated goals of efficiency and resiliency in addition to the education plan. The process of rebuilding the schools has been spread out over more than 20 years; it is time to finish the school buildings now.

Please vote on Thursday Feb 16 in support of the small additional cost of the new CMS building.


Robert & D’Nena Moore
Hillside Ave.