Letter: Delaying middle school construction is expensive

February 12, 2023

In last week’s Bridge, several letter writers raised legitimate concerns about the additional $74 per year property tax increase caused by the extra costs of building the new middle school. While this problem is real,  the suggested solution of changing the building’s design to cut costs is problematic and not likely to lead to lower taxes. I was in the construction business for 34 years and one of the truths I learned was that construction costs almost always go up regardless of the economic climate. 

Changing the design will potentially cost hundreds of thousands of dollars or more in design fees. However, the biggest cost increase will be the delay in construction which will be months if not a year. That delay would likely cost millions of dollars, the middle school would lose some amenities, and the taxpayers would gain nothing. 

I recommend that on February 16th, Concord voters vote “yes” to building the new CMS building as soon as possible.

Andrew Goldstein

349 Old Marlboro Road