Letter: ‘Concordians are not a homogeneous lot’

February 16, 2023

I tip my hat to the staff of and contributors to The Concord Bridge for the wide breadth of local coverage. In the January 27, 2023 issue, I read a front-page article (an “advertorial” perhaps?) on private jet rentals, to which I had an acutely negative reaction. In the same sitting I read a quarter-page ad for Partners in Health, to which I had an acutely positive reaction. The yin-yang juxtaposition of these items sparked a lively conversation in our household that would not have taken place had not the Bridge arrived in our mailbox. 

After the acute reactions to this seemingly contradictory content subsided, I reflected that Concordians are not a homogeneous lot. Generally speaking, we are affluent and privileged, but among us are those who might consider renting a private jet and associated amenities for $6,900 an hour and those who have or will generously support Partners in Health. Based on the people I have met in this town during my 16 years of residency, I can safely assume that the number of people in the latter group is much larger than that of the former.

Lloyd Resnick

Laurel Street