Letter: Gratitude to the Concord community

February 23, 2023

Recently while walking to the school bus, our daughter was struck by a car. This horrible accident shattered our family life, but also revealed what an amazing community Concord is. We want to express our sincerest gratitude to all of the first responders from the police and fire departments for their timely and efficient response at the scene, to the Concord Middle School community — to all of the students for their postcards that made an amazing wall in our daughter’s room, to the school administration, the principal, superintendent, teachers, nurses, and the entire staff who showed so much love and care. We would like to express a special thanks to the PTG who organized so much practical help by providing essential items. We appreciate all of your prayers, beautiful cards, and amazing gifts. Thank you to all of our colleagues, neighbors, and friends for their shared support and kindness. We are not only new to Concord, but also to this country. Everything you all have done has deeply touched our hearts. We are grateful and fortunate to be a part of the Concord community!

Giedre and Justinas Dabravolskai

Beharrell Street